Over 5,000,000+ Emails Analyzed Monthly

Over 5,000,000+ Emails Analyzed Monthly

Companies discover $82,947+ in recoverable email revenue

Stop Your Emails From Losing Revenue

The Six-Figure Contract Trapped in Spam

What's EmailFixed origin story? We thought they ghosted us. They thought we disappeared. A six-figure contract sat unseen in spam because nobody was watching. That day, we discovered a problem every business faces - and built Revenue Rescueâ„¢ to solve it.

✓ 48-Hour Analysis

✓ Limited to 10 Companies Weekly

✓ No Credit Card Required

Calculate Your Recoverable Email Revenue

Covering Every Platform

Your Email Revenue Loss Breakdown

Here's exactly where your money gets trapped

Total Monthly Revenue Loss: $82,947

From $74K to $1.38M

See how we transformed one company's email revenue in 18 months

Email Marketing

Our Fee: $60,000

Email Attributed Revenue: $1,386,298.38

ROI: 2,200%

Paid Ads

Their Fee: $600,000

Paid Ad Attributed Revenue: <$600,000

ROI: 0%


18X Growth

60% Revenue

Before Revenue Rescueâ„¢:

  • Email generating only $74,000 (10% of revenue)
  • Money dying in spam folders
  • Weak email performance
  • Heavy reliance on expensive ads

After Revenue Rescueâ„¢:

  • Email revenue: $1.38 Million (60% of revenue)
  • 18X increase in email sales
  • 200+ revenue-protecting actions monthly
  • Email ROI: 23X ($60K spent → $1.38M earned)

Want Results Like These?

🔒 Limited to 10 Companies Weekly

The Revenue Rescueâ„¢ Process



Using our Revenue Diagnostic Systemâ„¢, we uncover every dollar your emails are losing. Think of it like a money detector for your email program.



Your custom recovery plan shows exactly how to rescue lost revenue, with priority fixes and immediate opportunities.



24/7 monitoring ensures your email revenue stays protected and grows consistently.

Who's Losing Email Revenue?

Marketing Managers

Finding $31,947+ in lost campaign revenue each month. Stop your marketing emails from dying in spam.

Ecommerce Brands

Recovering $28,679+ in lost sales from abandoned carts and promotional emails that never reach buyers.

B2B Sales Professionals

Rescuing $22,321+ in deals lost to missed responses and blocked follow-ups. Stop missing quota, RFP's, and open bids.

Your Revenue Rescueâ„¢ Plan


Find exactly where your email revenue is getting lost and calculate your recovery potential.


Automated systems that catch revenue before it leaks through spam folders.


Revenue-focused messages that land in inboxes and drive sales.


24/7 monitoring of your email revenue performance and protection.


Shield your revenue from spam folders and blocked messages.


Maximize every email's revenue potential with proven templates.

🔒 Limited to 10 Companies Weekly

The Revenue Rescueâ„¢ Process

Your 48-Hour Path to Recovering Lost Email Revenue

Step 1: We Find Your Lost Revenue

Using our Revenue Diagnostic Systemâ„¢, we uncover every dollar your emails are losing. Think of it like a money detector for your email program - finding trapped revenue in spam folders, blocked messages, and missed opportunities

  • Scan your email program for leaks
  • Calculate exact revenue losses
  • Identify blocked money paths
  • Pinpoint revenue opportunities

Within 48 hours, you'll see a shocking report of your exact revenue losses. Our last 100 analyses revealed an average of $82,947 in monthly recoverable revenue. Many companies find 6-figure opportunities hiding in their email program.

Get Your Revenue Analysis →

Step 2: We Create Your Rescue Plan

Your emails are losing money right now. That's why we create an emergency response plan to rescue your revenue fast. Every hour counts when you're losing potential sales and opportunities.

  • Priority fix roadmap
  • Revenue impact forecast
  • Quick-win opportunities
  • Implementation timeline

You'll get a minute-by-minute battle plan to recover your lost revenue. Our typical client sees first results in 14 days, with complete recovery within 30 days. Some rescue up to $127,492 in their first month.

See Sample Rescue Plan →

Step 3: We Protect Your Future Revenue

Finding and rescuing your revenue isn't enough - you need a fortress around your email program. Our protection system acts like a revenue shield, stopping losses before they happen.

  • 24/7 revenue monitoring
  • Leak prevention system
  • Growth optimization
  • Ongoing protection

Your email revenue stays protected with our 24/7 monitoring system. We've helped companies maintain 98% inbox placement, resulting in millions in protected revenue. Plus, we alert you the moment we detect potential revenue threats.

Learn About Protection →

🔒 Limited to 10 Companies Weekly

Revenue Rescueâ„¢ By The Numbers:


Average Revenue Found: $82,947

Lowest Discovery: $31,947
Highest Discovery: $127,492
Time to First Recovery: 14 days


98% Inbox Placement

24/7 Monitoring
14-Day Implementation
30-Day Full Recovery


200+ Revenue Safeguards

100% Platform Coverage
Real-Time Alerts
Continuous Optimization


How do you find lost revenue?

Our Revenue Diagnostic Systemâ„¢ analyzes every part of your email program, finding exactly where money gets trapped and how to rescue it.

How fast do we see results?

Most companies see first results in 14 days, with full implementation in 30 days. Our fastest recovery was $127,492 in the first month.

What makes Revenue Rescueâ„¢ different?

We don't just fix technical problems - we find and recover actual revenue. Every action is measured in dollars recovered, not just metrics improved.

The Revenue Rescueâ„¢ Promise

We Find Lost Revenue or You Don't Pay

Email is a tricky business – one minute everything is going along and the next your stats are a ghost town. We promise to uncover the source of your revenue leak or you don't pay. But we are confident that we can help cure almost all email issues in a timely fashion.

  More About Us  

The Six-Figure Contract Trapped in Spam

What's EmailFixed origin story? We thought they ghosted us. They thought we disappeared. A six-figure contract sat unseen in spam because nobody was watching. That day, we discovered a problem every business faces - and built Revenue Rescueâ„¢ to solve it.

Ready to Find Your Lost Revenue?

Join companies discovering an average of $82,947 in recoverable email revenue

48-Hour Analysis • Limited to 10 Companies Weekly • Money-Back Guarantee

🔒 Limited to 10 Companies Weekly

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The Six-Figure Contract Trapped in Spam

What's EmailFixed origin story? We thought they ghosted us. They thought we disappeared. A six-figure contract sat unseen in spam because nobody was watching. That day, we discovered a problem every business faces - and built Revenue Rescueâ„¢ to solve it.